









iPad Pro 10.5の導入 。タッチパネルはマウスの押し込む動作と比べて負担が少ない。
②サブマシンのMacBook Airトラックパッドの方が、マウスクリックの動作より負担が少なそうなのでMacへの移行の検討


* 今回のエントリーはiPad Proで音声入力を使って作成しました。




About two years ago while working on a computer, when I clicked on the mouse I began to feel a sense of incompatibility in the middle finger of my left hand, and I felt a spring finger.
In my case I will use the mouse with my left hand, so in the default setting my first finger to click with the click was the left middle finger. (The main PC is a Windows machine)
Spring fingers are one of the tenosynovitis, and when it develops, when you stretch your fingers, getting caught or causing your fingers to bend only partially.
There seem to be three main treatment methods below.
① Local rest
② Inject steroids.
③ open surgery
The steroid injection is not a fundamental treatment and there is a possibility of recurrence, open surgery is to put a scalpel on the fingers where the nerve is concentrated, consider the future risk when some kind of discomfort remains, a method of local rest I chose. (Even if it says local rest, it's pretty much a hurd because it's only possible to use the left hand)
First of all, I changed the setting of the mouse which seems to be overworked most, and changed the key to be used mainly to the right, so I mainly used the index finger from the middle finger so far.
Moreover, I tried to live mainly on the remaining four fingers so that I do not add power to my middle finger as much as possible in my normal life. However, while this right hand can not be used, it was originally unnatural usage, and further unnatural power was applied to fingers and arms other than the middle finger, resulting in a pain in the thumb and the wrist as a result I'm sorry.
In addition, although the onset part was middle finger, thought that it was a problem of the entire left hand, we performed maintenance of the body in parallel, looking for a good massager or a good masseuse.
As a result, it is a symptom of the left middle finger, but it took nearly two years but the symptoms of the spring fingers almost cured and the bend stretching became almost the same as before the onset of symptoms.
However, signs of spring fingers have come to be seen in the index finger of the left hand this time. As you can see, the operation of the mouse in the environment where you are living a life on the left hand normally seems to have a considerable impact on your fingers, so every time you click, the pain runs from your fingers to your wrists.
Since it seems that it will fall into a negative spiral as it is, I decided to start the next countermeasure to reduce the amount of use of the mouse.
① Introduction of iPad Pro 10.5. The touch panel is less burdensome than the mouse pushing operation.
② The track pad of MacBook Air on submachine seems to be less burdensome than the mouse click operation, so consider transition to Mac
③ Positively utilize voice input mainly for iOS terminal
Even in daily life, try not to take the same posture for a long time, so that stretching and body movement is made accordingly. It is said that it is better not to take the same attitude for 15 minutes or more by a conservative master.
Also, I would like to measure the recovery of my thumb and wrist, which has been devised so as not to apply unreasonable force to the left arm, left hand, left finger as much as possible, and prevented the spring finger prevention. 

* This entry was created using voice input on iPad Pro.